Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jack Black doing Dio on Fallon!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Fred Marin has shared: Report: Robo-signing probe 'intensifying' | Inman News

Report: Robo-signing probe 'intensifying' | Inman News

LPS calls Reuters article 'inaccurate and sensational'. A federal criminal investigation of Lender Processing Services Inc.'s alleged involvement in robo-signing practices is gaining momentum, and evidence in several class-action lawsuits suggests the company faces greater legal exposure to the robo-signing scandal than it has acknowledged, Reuters reports.But LPS -- the data provider for the National Association of Realtors' national property database, Realtors Property Resource -- today ...

Fred Marin sent this using ShareThis.

Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

Fred Marin has shared: Former Homestore chairman agrees to pay $11.9M in restitution | Inman News

Former Homestore chairman agrees to pay $11.9M in restitution | Inman News

Stuart Wolff will have 3 years to pay. Former Homestore Inc. chairman and CEO Stuart Wolff has agreed to pay $11.9 million in restitution to settle allegations that he and other company officers fraudulently inflated revenue to pump up Homestore's stock.Wolff's consent agreement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission could be the final chapter in a scandal that nearly brought down operator Homestore, which has since rebranded as Move Inc.A decade ago, at the height of...

Fred Marin sent this using ShareThis.

Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fred Marin has shared: Mortgage rates up as investors ditch bonds | Inman News

Mortgage rates up as investors ditch bonds | Inman News

30-year fixed-rate up 42 points from October low. Mortgage rates continue to rise as more investors gain confidence in the economy, making safe bets like Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities that fund home loans less attractive, Freddie Mac said in releasing the results of its weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey."After Europe made strides in its debt situation, investors left the security of U.S. Treasury debt causing bond yields to rise and mortgage rates along with them," said Fred...

Fred Marin sent this using ShareThis.

Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

I know a Noogler!

New Google employees are called "Nooglers," and are given a propeller beanie hat to wear at their first TGIF.

Congratulations Chris! Did you get to wear the beanie?

Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Guitar Masters

Gotta check these guys out!

Eric Johnson

Andy McKee

Peppino D'Agostino

We're going to see them perform at the Marin center 1/16/11...can't wait!







Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Do Homeowners Get The Boot For Bad Paperwork While Banks Get Millions For Same?

Mortgage companies enrolled in the Obama administration's signature foreclosure-prevention initiative may be receiving taxpayer funds despite not having a legal right to the home or to the mortgage, a top Treasury Department official revealed Wednesday.

Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

SF Giants Team Commradery...can't be beat

Download now or watch on posterous (18821 KB)


Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fred Marin has shared: Breaking free from real estate ball and chain | Inman News

"So, do not be embarrassed if you've had to sell your home just to keep going. You're not alone."
Breaking free from real estate ball and chain | Inman News

Fred Marin sent this using ShareThis.

Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

BofA to resume foreclosure sales

Fred Marin

Real Estate Agent

DRE# 01359281

Titanium Real Estate Services


Direct: 408-868-8863

Fax: 888-374-7216

Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


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Memo.m4a (35 KB)

Fred Marin
Real Estate Agent
DRE #01359281
TItanium Real Estate Services
Sent from my iPhone..."Goin' Mobile" Who's Next

Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous


Click here to download: (3295 KB)

Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

An article I thought would interest you

Thought you'd like to read this article
from E-Commerce Times:
"Little Things Put the 'Relationship' in CRM"

From: (FMarin)

Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Atlantis Casino Reno Housekeeping

Unbelievable! We have the "Do Not Disturb" door hanger up and housekeeping walked in! And this was after I happened to be walking down the hall and one of the staff asked if we wanted our room made up to which I answered, no thank you! I know they are under pressure to get rooms cleaned but come on, if a guest has not checked out...leave them and their room alone!

Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

Bit of snow holding on in spite of extremely hot temps here in Reno @ Atlantis Casino


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Memo.m4a (71 KB)

Fred Marin
Real Estate Agent
DRE #01359281
TItanium Real Estate Services
Sent from my iPhone..."Goin' Mobile" Who's Next

Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

4010 KNOLLGLEN WY, San Jose, CA 95118

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pete - Guest Services AT&T Park

Fred Marin
Real Estate Agent
DRE #01359281
TItanium Real Estate Services
Sent from my iPhone..."Goin' Mobile" Who's Next

Posted via email from Fred Marin's Posterous

First up

Great seats at the Giants game!

New listing 1034 Del Cambre San Jose, CA

New listing 5510 Ora San Jose, CA

New listing 4271 Manzanita San Jose, CA

New listing 5039 Amondo San Jose, CA

New listing 4643 Doyle San Jose, CA

New listing 4881 Miramar San Jose, CA

Thursday, July 15, 2010

New listing 1186 Happy Valley San Jose, CA

New listing 5102 Glentree San Jose, CA

New listing 6650 Bollinger San Jose, CA

New listing 6774 Michele San Jose, CA

New listing 1039 Danbury San Jose, CA

New listing 1212 Miller San Jose, CA

New listing 1604 Larkin San Jose, CA

New listing 5702 Walbrook San Jose, CA

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New listing 1351 Alderbrookl San Jose, CA

New listing 5878 Walbrook San Jose, CA

New listing 1440 Longfellow San Jose, CA

New listing 1663 Blaney San Jose, CA

New listing 1470 Larkin San Jose, CA

New listing 1534 Cameo San Jose, CA

New listing 6820 Chiala San Jose, CA

New listing 1022 Arlington San Jose, CA

New listing 5075 Golden San Jose, CA

New listing 5189 Doyle San Jose, CA

New listing 4895 Pebble Glen San Jose, CA

New listing 744 Pinewood San Jose, CA

New listing 4988 Moorpark San Jose, CA

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bijan Yummy!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Foreclosure Time Line

California is a non-judicial state when it comes to the different types of foreclosure. Although in rare circumstances a lender can pursue a judicial foreclosure in California it is very rare.

As a non-judicial foreclosure state, the lender can foreclose on the property without involving the legal court system. In California, the foreclosure process starts after the homeowner has defaulted in their loan payments. Although technically, a foreclosure can start as soon as the first payment is reported delinquent; in reality most lenders wait until the loan ages 90 days delinquent before it begins the actual foreclosure process.

The Foreclosure Begins

The period prior to a notice of default payment being recorded and the first missed payment is often referred to as the ‘pre-foreclosure period’. Once the Notice of Default has been file, the actual foreclosure is underway.

The lender must file and record with the County Recorder a Notice of Default (NOD) that specifies everything pertinent about the defaulted loan and the property being held as security. There is of course contact information giving the borrower the opportunity to make contact and redeem the loan. The lender cannot take any further action, unless prompted by the borrower for a minimum of 90 days from the recording date.

Once in the foreclosure process, the borrower not only has to cure the loan payments in arrears with all of the past due interest, late fees and other penalties but now also has to cure the legal fees billed to the account. Inmost cases just to file the NOD, most lenders are billed $1500. As the process continues and the legal department accumulates more billable hours the fees increase and must be paid in full to cure a default.

Within 10 days of the Notice of Default being recorded is sent by certified mail to each borrower, and guarantor of the not at the address provided. Anyone who has requested to be notified of any recorded documents, by special request, will also receive a certified copy of the NOD.

Just Who is Notified?

The next 20 days can be critical for the borrower who is looking to redeem. Within 30 days of the NOD being filed a copy is sent by certified mail to all junior lien holders that the Deed of Trust is being foreclosed on.

During this time period, the lender orders a Trustee’s Sale Guarantee Report, which will provide the mortgage holder with all of the pertinent title information on the property.

The foreclosure remains dormant during the 90 day period that was started by the filing and recording of the Notice of Default. At this point, all the lender can do is sit back and wait. This is the time when they (the lenders) will consider a short sale. So unless the borrower contacts the bank to pay off the arrears or a short sale offer is presented we just watch the clock tick for 90 days.

NOTE: The 90 day clock is not an absolute. There is no rule or law that says something MUST happen on day 91 – the rules of the game just prohibit the bank form taking any action prior to day 90.

The Publication Period

Have you ever seen the pages of PUBLIC NOTICES in the classified sections of the local papers? Each one is about 3 to 6 inches in length. They carry all sorts of notices about events that must be made public…and this is the way they do it. In today’s newspapers lately, more and more space is being devoted to these public notices since homes in the foreclosure process have to be published no less than 3 times before the bank can take the property back.

Once the 90 Day redemption period ends, the publication period begins when a Notice of the Trustees Sale (NOS) is published in an adjudicated newspaper of general circulation in the city where the property is located.

Once a week for three consecutive weeks the NOS is published. The actual sale date is established by adding 20 days to the date it was first published in the newspaper. In addition, a copy of the NOS must be posted on the property and in a public place.

In theory, this prevents a tenant from finding out about the sale of the property after it has taken place. The Notice is posted so all occupants know what is going on.

The NOS must also be recorded with the County Recorder. This must happen no less than 14 days prior to the actual scheduled sale date.

The Trustee’s Sale

Once all of the publication periods have been met, the property is sold to the highest bidder on the auction date. The bidder must have cash (cashier checks). The opening bid must include the complete outstanding mortgage plus all of the arrears plus all of the legal fees and Trustee sale expenses.

If there are not any bids at the Trustee’s Sale then the property will automatically revert back to the lender. The Trustee records a Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale with the County Recorder transferring title to the foreclosing beneficiary and allowing them to immediately start marketing the property to recover as much of their debt as possible. These properties are referred to as Real Estate Owned or REO by the mortgage industry.

What About the Second???

The second or any junior lien holder will in essence be wiped out by a Trustee’s Sale. In order to protect themselves they basically have a choice of three options…none of which are very pretty.

The first choice is to advance the necessary funds to bring the first lien current and then start the foreclosure process themselves for the amount they had to advance.

The second option is to bid at the auction to pay off all of the existing liens that are in front of them.

Third choice is similar to the second in that it involves bidding on the property at the foreclosure sale.

What Does a Borrower Owe at the End of the Day?

In California a lender does not have the right to seek a deficiency balance in foreclosure if the debt is for purchase money of the home. This protection is only for the first lien holder. As far as I can tell, it has not yet been tested if the protection carries forward on a purchase money second – meaning the borrower took out two loans to close the deal when they bought the property – such as an 80-20 split.

Cash out loans leave the borrower vulnerable to collection and litigation efforts to collect on these debts.


Day 1
Record Notice of Default

Within 10 business days
Mail and publish Notice of Default

Within 1 Month
Mail Notice of Default

After 3 months
Set sale date

25 days before sale date
Send notice of sale to IRS (when necessary)

Within 10 days from 1st publication
Send beneficiary request for property directions

14 days before sale date
Record Notice of Sale

7 days before sale date
If court action, 7day rule may apply

5 business days before sale date
Expiration of right to re-instate the loan

Sale date
Property is sold to highest bidder at public auction

If Not Sold
Then the property is returned to the lender, as what is called an REO

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